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Fira Sans
Independent Type Family, Free to Use
Latest Version: 4.3
Plenty of Localised Features
Bulgarian, Macedonian, Serbian, Hungarian
Final version of Fira Sans!
Development will continue with FiraGO
! Спасибо ! Danke ! Dziękuję ! Σας ευχαριστώ ! Kiitos ! Obrigado ! Teşekkürler ! Salamat ! Mudo !
Thank you
Most Abundant Wild Member
Foxes, particularly red foxes, have been inhabiting and breeding in human-populated areas since the twentieth century. They have adapted well to these environments, taking advantage of man-made features such as houses and gardens to create dens. For sustenance, they take advantage of food thrown away by humans. In some cases, human residents will feed foxes that frequent their local area.
In this sense, a benign relationship has been established in which foxes have become comfortable and amiable toward the humans who, while becoming their providers, do not much mind the presence of the foxes. However, for some, urban foxes have proven to be a nuisance due to their intrusion and destruction of private property. Urban fox control methods and laws vary regionally.
Omnivorous mammal belonging to several genera of the family Canidae
Κόκκινη αλεπού
Red foxes typically dominate other fox species. Arctic foxes generally escape competition from red foxes by living farther north, where food is too scarce to support the larger-bodied red species. Although the red species’ northern limit is linked to the availability of food, the Arctic species’ southern range is limited by the presence of the former.
Red and Arctic foxes were both introduced to almost every island from the Aleutian Islands to the Alexander Archipelago during the 1830s–1930s by fur companies. The red foxes invariably displaced the Arctic foxes, with one male red fox having been reported to have killed off all resident Arctic foxes on a small island in 1866.
Лисицата, наричана още и червена лисица е най-често срещаният вид лисици. Тя има най-широк ареал от всички сухоземни хищници.
Líška hrdzavá
Fira Sans
Large Free Font Family
Version: Sans 4.301 / Mono 3.206
Fira is licenced under OFL (Open Font Licence)
The story of Fira Sans began in 2012 in close cooperation with Erik Spiekermann. Fira is the little sister of “Meta” – Erik’s famous and well-known typeface family. Originally designed as a system typeface for the Mozilla OS, Fira has developed towards a large and standalone Open Font project.
After Mozilla withdrew from the project, we integrated small bug fixes and several requests for the 4.3 release. Additionally, Fira now offers localised features for Hungarian, Serbian, Macedonian and Bulgarian. Especially the locl BGR, which was designed in cooperation with Bulgarian type designers Botio Nikoltchev and Vassil Kateliev, is a real treat. Have a look at the Fira Site.
This version of Fira Sans will be the final one apart from possible bug fixes. We will continue working on Fira but future developments will be based on FiraGO. Ideas and funding are always welcome!
Last but not least, thank you to the whole community who helped improving Fira via Mail and GitHub. Keep it up!
Große Free Font Familie
Version: Sans 4.301 / Mono 3.206
Fira unterliegt der OFL (Open Font Licence)
Die Geschichte der Fira begann 2012 in enger Zusammenarbeit mit Erik Spiekermann. Fira ist die kleine Schwester der „Meta“ – Eriks berühmter und weltweit bekannter Schrift. Ursprünglich konzipiert als Systemschrift für das Firefox OS, ist Fira zu einem großen und eigenständigen Open Font Projekt gereift.
Nach dem Ausstieg Mozillas haben wir für das 4.3 Release viele kleinere Fixes und Verbesserungen eingebaut. Außerdem sind nun localised Features für Ungarisch, Serbisch, Mazedonisch sowie Bulgarisch vorhanden. Vor allem das locl BGR, das in Zusammenarbeit mit dem bulgarischen Type Designern Botio Nikoltchev und Vassil Kateliev entstand, hat es in sich. Details dazu auf der Fira-Seite.
Diese Version wird bis auf ggf. aufkommende Bug Fixes die letzte Version der Fira Sans sein. Wir arbeiten natürlich weiter an der Fira Story. Künftige Weiterentwicklungen werden auf Basis der FiraGO vorangetrieben. Ideen und Funding sind immer willkommen!
Nicht zuletzt: Danke an die gesamte Community, die per Mail und auf GitHub hilft, Fira immer wieder ein Stückchen besser zu machen. Weiter so!
2012 – today by Team @ Carrois’
16 weights
| 3 widths
Language Support:
OpenType Features:
Information Documents: