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Krikikrak Kritzelschrift
GGGRoaahhrr! Der bunte Löwenkönig hatte Zähnchenschmerzen schon zum zweiten Mal in einer Woche und brüllte, brüllte, brüllte soooo laut, dass alle im Dschungel es hören konnten!!!
»Susi sag mal süssse Sahne!«
MenNo, ich mAg keinen sPiNAt! IcH ess’ das nicHt!! MuSSte aber. StimMt gAr nicht. Doch. NÖ. MAMAAA!
Multiple Contextual Alternates
Krikikrak is so playful
Krikikrak Pen handmade
Krikikrak Quill forever
Krikikrak Tape lasts long
Stinkemorchel & Eumelbeule
On his way the mouse encounters several dangerous animals (a fox, an owl, and a snake). Each of these animals, clearly intending to eat the mouse, invites him back to their home for a meal. The cunning mouse declines each offer. To dissuade further advances, he tells each animal that he has plans to dine with his friend, a gruffalo, a monster-like hybrid that’s half grizzly bear and half buffalo, whose favourite food happens to be the relevant animal, and describes the features of the gruffalo’s monstrous anatomy.Frightened that the gruffalo might eat it, each animal flees.
After getting rid of the last animal, the mouse is shocked to encounter a real gruffalo – with all the frightening features the mouse thought that he was inventing. The gruffalo threatens to eat the mouse, but again the mouse is cunning: he tells the gruffalo that he, the mouse, is the scariest animal in the forest. Laughing, the gruffalo agrees to follow the mouse as he demonstrates how feared he is. The two walk through the forest, encountering in turn the animals that had earlier menaced the mouse.
Silly old owl, doesn’t he know? There’s no such thing as a gruffalo!
Organic fabric softener
Each is terrified by the sight of the pair and runs off- and each time the gruffalo becomes more impressed with the mouse’s apparent toughness. Exploiting this, the mouse threatens to eat the gruffalo, which flees.
Donaldson was unable to think of rhymes for “tiger” so instead she invented a word that rhymes with “know”. The Gruffalo won the gold award (in the 0-5 years category) of the 1999 Nestlé Smarties Book Prize.
Supermegayummy jellybeans
Bunte Laserkugelschleuder
A Lovely Letter Cuddle-Muddle
Krikikrak is a typeface, which mirrors early writing attempts of children. The earliest sketch of Krikikrak was realised via iPad and iFontMaker. Meanwhile Krikikrak has four different shapes of each letter, figures and many more glyphs. The combinination of an enormous number of different shapes and a smart calt-feature results in Krikikrak’s handwritten appearance.
Liebevolles Buchstaben-Kuddelmuddel
Als Vorlage für Krikikrak dienten erste Schreibversuche einer Erstklässlerin. Mit dem iPad und über iFontMaker entstanden erste Entwürfe zur Schrift. Mittlerweile hat Krikikrak vier unterschiedliche Formen für jeden Buchstaben, die Ziffern und viele andere Zeichen. In Kombination mit einem schlauen calt-Feature ergeben sich aus diesem riesigen Formen-Vorrat fast handschriftlich wirkende Wörter.
2016 by Jenny du Carrois
6 weights
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